
Alejandra’s Natural Foods LLC was a win-win for the Hollywood BusinessSource: a fantastic product, a savvy entrepreneur, and a genuine commitment to the community. As a startup, we were able to connect with Kiva Zip to assist Alejandra in obtaining a microloan of $5,000 for supplies to begin production. Needless to say, it was quickly funded: 256 lenders participated in Alejandra’s campaign, from all corners of the globe. It is a testament to the Kiva Zip program that allows people to support causes in which they believe not by giving money, but by lending it. This is crucial to startups needing to build a credit history and certify their repayment ability.

Today, we received great news from Alejandra:

HOLA! The last couple of months have been busy and productive. After getting much needed supplies, we were able to acquire more organic spices and to get back in the kitchen to blend and bottle a brand new batch.

Just today we received great news from The Paleo Foundation–our entire line is now “Certified Paleo”. This certification confirms they contain no grains, legumes, dairy, artificial colors or preservatives. In the future, we will have a featured piece in their magazine and we’ll be able to sell our product in their marketplace. Little by little, we’re becoming more legit!

We are proud of our product and look forward seeking other certifications: GF (Gluten free), Non-GMO), Vegan, USDA Certified Organic….

This week, the application process started moving forward again with Whole Foods Market. A new contact person has been assigned and we are ready to get busy, to get our line on their shelfves! Depending on how many stores we are able to get, this will keep us very busy. And hopefully other new opportunities will arise from this relationship. Fingers crossed!

We’re in the process of updating our labels to reflect some of this new information but also to give more details on the flavor profile of each blend.

Grateful to know that hard work does pay…. 🙂

Learn more about Alejandra’s Natural Foods! Her website is and her Facebook page is Enjoy!