California has approximately 1.9 million veterans. Almost one million are currently over the age of 60 (52.3%). Most live in Southern California counties, and are heavily clustered in Los Angeles (323,431 in 2012), San Diego (222,348 in 2012) and Orange counties (132,529 in 2012).

Upon their return, they ask for more than a cursory thanks, a bumper sticker, or a donation. They ask to be known. To be a part of our communities for who they are and what they they can provide. This means, they ask for more than brief gestures of appreciation. They ask for recognition, and action. We at MCS, with the help of our many partners, continuously strive to provide our Veterans with the tools and resources they need to return home and to be home as valued members of our communities.

We strongly support Mike Hayney and his mission at the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at the University of Syracuse. Please take a moment to view his TedX Talk, included below:


Published on Feb 3, 2014

Dr. Mike Haynie is the Founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Veterans and Military Families and the Barnes Professor of Entrepreneurship at Syracuse University’s Whitman School. In this talk he discusses how as a result of the all-volunteer approach to military service, most people in the United States do not understand the challenges facing our veterans.
