MCS Attends DOL Disability Initiative in Washington

On March 12-13th, Managed Career Solutions (MCS), Inc. attended the Disability Employment Initiative in Washinton, DC.  The purpose of this initiative is to help youth and adults with disabilities who go to a American Job Center or state workforce agency for assistance.  Managed Career Solutions, Inc. runs the Hollywood WorkSource Center. Click for More…

MCS Awarded $5 Million Grant from USDOL

On October 4, 2011 the US Department of Labor (USDOL) announced that Managed Career Solutions (MCS), Inc. was one of 36 recipients nationwide, and one of only five in California, to be awarded $5 million in competitive grant funding under the H-1B Technical Skills Training Grant Competition that awarded over $159 million in this first round of funding. Click for More…

Francis Chong: Success through Customer Service

On July 20, 2011, Managed Career Solutions (MCS) Northeast San Gabriel Valley WorkSource Center, better known in the San Gabriel Valley community as the Asian-Pacific Islander (API) Mini-Career Center, welcomed a new employee to the ranks of our company workforce.  This gentleman – Francis Chong, became a valued Customer Service Representative after a stint of 2 years as a WIA Dislocated Worker participant, and temporary employment as a Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE) worker. Click for More…