Francis Chong: Success through Customer Service…

On July 20, 2011, Managed Career Solutions (MCS) Northeast San Gabriel Valley WorkSource Center, better known in the San Gabriel Valley community as the Asian-Pacific Islander (API) Mini-Career Center, welcomed a new employee to the ranks of our company workforce.  This gentleman – Francis Chong, became a valued Customer Service Representative after a stint of 2 years as a WIA Dislocated Worker participant, and temporary employment as a Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE) worker. Click for More…

One of Our Participants

I want to thank you for coming to our class last week to explain the wonderful benefits offered by Hollywood Work Source and the City of L.A. I want thank you personally for the incredible generosity your organization and the city of Los Angeles gave me financially, to be able to attend the Kaiser MA class through Concord Career College during a time when my funds are limited. Your help and support is greatly appreciated, and I hope to make a possitive impact on the medical industry thanks to your help.
